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NEW Collagen and Omega 3 Zooki flavours

Big news, Team Zooki!

We've just launched THREE new flavours of Collagen Zooki, plus we've formulated a new and improved version of the original Citrus Lime flavour after listening to feedback. 

The new Collagen Zooki flavours are:

  • Mango Peach
  • Concord Grape
  • Berry

Collagen Zooki is already considered the best-tasting Collagen supplement on the market, but these new flavours are taking things to a whole new level. 

For those of you who don't know, Collagen Zooki contains 5000mg of hydrolysed marine collagen wrapped in natural lipids, which are the same things that are found in the walls of your cells. These form protective shields around the collagen, delivering it directly into your system.

Why take Collagen Zooki? Our liquid marine collagen supplement supports beauty from within, targeting your skin, cartilage and bones with each tasty sachet. Need more convincing? Read our latest blog post on supplementing with collagen by functional medicine and nutrition expert Dr. Sarah Carolides. 

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As if this wasn't enough, we've also brought back the very popular Omega 3 Zooki Lime to give you and your family more tasty ways to get your daily dose of fish oil.

Check it out




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